We held a workshop in October on sustaining high performance under pressure.
This intensive seminar was based on the same performance psychology principles used by elite sports teams, and has been independently validated to improve wellbeing, decision making and performance.

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How to Fall Asleep Easily At Night And Wake Up Energized in the Morning
These are the best things to do — and not to do — to maximize your sleep hours. How would

Hearts and minds: fruit and veg boost well-being
Consuming more fruit and vegetables can improve your mental well-being, according to a new study, ‘Lettuce be happy.’ Researchers at

Can You Really Exercise Away Depression and Anxiety?
On the internet, there are endless lists of the things you can do to heal yourself of any ailment: from depression to migraines, from anxiety to irritable bowel syndrome. Apparently you can cure anything simply chant positive mantras, drink enough water to become a camel, and practice yoga 24/7…maybe even shower while standing on one’s head.

The Best Disinfectant Is Sunlight
If we’re going to spend ever more time indoors, we need to at least let the sun shine in We

Sunlight and its Effects on Human Health
On the off chance that you are not used to the sun, you, in the long run, will but rather